
March 2021 In our metrology department we have extended our posibilities in 3D, with the Keyence VR-5200 we can scan
Recently one of our presses was completely overhauled by the Beisele company, mechanically, electrically and control, as well as the
For 2021, we had planned an improvement for our wire erosiuon department, we wanted tob e able to work more
Also our molding shop now qualifies as an aknowledged educational firm ! The tool shop and the stamping shop already
In the “Niederlande Nachrichten” a website dedicated tot he promotion of Dutch industry in Germany, a neat article (in german)
June 2020 The last years, Euro-techniek subcontracted a number of moulds to HMI moulds in Oisterwijk (NL) which were necessary
In a sectorreview by the ABN-AMRO bank, Euro-techniek is mentioned as an example of differentiation, besides typical metal processing also
In the stamping department, a Kaiser 250 Ton press has been installed. This machine was bought second hand, and overhauled
We had a great opportunity to invest in a combination of OPS Ingersoll, a Speedhawk 550 High speed milling machine,
In onze gereedschapmakerij is er een Makino Duo 64 bijgekomen, om de toegenomen werkhoeveelheid aan te kunnen. We hebben van
In the customer magazine of our accountant – Joanknecht, the attached article is published on Euro-Techniek. Besides the panorama of
An existing customer of Euro-Techniek,a well known german automotive supplier did have one press line in operation. Recently they have